Saturday, May 4, 2013

promise to God

No I am not engaged. Not even in a relationship with anybody. I bought myself a ring to represent promises that have made to God. I have wanted to do and have prayed about it for a while. It's not real diamonds. I can't afford real diamonds. I feel like God has
 really placed on my heart and wanted to remind myself of the promises that I have made to God. Will post more details later.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Time for an update folks!

Wow! I'm a bad blogger. It's okay, God loves me anyway.

So since I last blogged, I graduated from college and became a certified Veterinary Assistant! Praising God for that! I also made the switch from the Rock to Symbio. I miss all of my Rock friends but am excited to see how God uses me in Symbio. I dropped my phone in the sewer so I got a new phone and a new number (Geez, Don't laugh at me). My little brother (yes he is taller than me but he will always be little brother to me) graduated from high school and got into UNC! I got to ride my favorite boy horse (James) for the first time since I moved back to Fort Collins.  I have been walking my neighbor's dog named Mr. Moofles. He's a hoot! I don't have a job yet but I trust that God will provide me with one in his perfect timing.

So the reason for writing the song that I posted earlier is I have been thinking of how much my life has changed since I accepted Christ and I just wanted to thank God for all he has done for me! It's crazy to think that it's been almost four years since I decided to follow Jesus. It was the best decision I ever made!

A Thank you song to God

I don't have a tune to this one yet so if you have any suggestions, feel free to make them!

Thank You for Saving me!
Tried to pick myself up
But I fell down again
I felt so weak
I had nothing left to give
I had nowhere to run to
Untill you found me

I was broken and now I am whole
I was dying but now I am alive
Couldn't do anything but now I can do everything
Was angry but now I know what joy is
I now know what love is
I know you always have my back
You are all I need
Thank you for saving me
Thank you for saving me

I couldn't see so you gave me sight
I had been running for so long
And you brought me back to you
Didn't think that I had the strength to fight
You gave me all the strength I could ever need
You saved me


My heart was broken and you put it back together
Anything is possible with you God

Chorus x2

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Oh Man!

So I finished my internship on Friday and it was bittersweet for me. I got attached to one of the boarded dogs and as I was saying Good bye to her she jumped into my arms and gave me a kiss. It also means I am that much closer to graduating! If you would have told me four years ago that I would be graduating with my Vet Assistant certification, I would have laughed and said,"Yeah right."

Ending my internship has made me think alot about my future and where God has me. Oddly enough, I am not stressing about it. I'm just thinking alot about it. It's nice to be able to think about my future and not stress about it. It's very comforting to know that God has a plan for me and I can trust him to lead me in a way that glorifies him. God has also been reminding me that with every ending there is a new beginning. I'm excited for life after school (no homework!) and to getting to glorify God in a new way.

Prayer Requests:
Pray that I would continue to trust God with my future
Pray that I would get a job
Pray that would put God first when making decisions.
Pray that God would be glorified in my life.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Another "Wow God!" story

So on friday, I was hunting for internships and I hadn't gotten call from these two clinics. I then decided to call them and see what was going on. I called the first clinic and they said the gal was on her lunch break and they would have her call me back. As soon as I hung up with them, the second place called me and said they had no internships available. At that point I prayed that the gal from the first clinic would call me back and that she would call me that day and no other day after that. After praying, I called a clinic down in Denver and they said to email them my resume. Well as I was getting ready to hit the send button to send the email, The lady from the first clinic called and offered me an internship.
After calling my parents and telling them the news, they decided to let me borrow one of their cars so that I wouldn't have to worry about transportation to and from my internship.

I am still amazed that God provided me with so much. He answered my prayer and saw an other oppertunity to show that he keeps his promise that he will provided me with what I need. I would be no where and nothing with out him.

Seeming how I start my internship tomorrow, I have some prayer requests.

Prayer Requests:
Pray that I would work at my internship as if I am working for the Lord
Pray that I would obey 1 Peter 5:7 and give all my anxiety about it to God
Pray that God would give me the wisdom I need to do well
Pray that God would give me an abundance of love for the animals and humans I come in contact with

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Time and Forgiveness

Boy, I am I feeling contankerous right now. I have no job, no classes to go to, and no internship (I got booted from mine). I tend to go one of two ways in regards to my time. I either get caught up in my plan or I am totally lazy. I tend to make a plan and get so wrapped up in it that I forget that God has a plan already and I get upset if my plans don't work out. If I have nothing to do and don't put effort into finding something to do, I am a lazy bum and thats when I feel the effects of depression the most (I become a hermit crab). I also have had several people lie to me lately and I tend to blame myself for them lying to me. So I just had a couple prayer requests in regards to the time God has given me and forgiveness.

Prayer Requests:
Pray that I would honor God with my time.
Pray that I would get a job and internship quickly.
Pray I would pour into the lives of sisters in Christ around me.
Pray that I would trust in God's sovereignty and provision.
Pray that I would forgive others as Christ has forgiven me
Pray that I would love and forgive freely.
Pray that God would continue to make me more like Christ

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Changes to be Made

So there are some changes that I will be making in my life.

One of the changes I will be making is my ability to let go of anger and to forgive. I tend to hold on to anger and not let go of it. For example, for a long time I was angry at some friends who left my D-Team and switched to another D-Team. I felt like they were abandoning me and like they didn't care. I didn't really talk to them for a while. A month ago, God convicted me of this and I have been trying to repent by talking to them more.

Another change I will be making is after I graduate from the Vet Assistant program in May is, I will be switching to Symbio which is the generational group that is above the Rock. I don't know if I'll make the switch right after or if I will wait until the end of summer.

The third change is to be honest about how I am doing. I've been working on this one off and on for the past 3 years. As I recently started working on it again, I have noticed that God has blessed me with a huge amount of support and love from himself, family, and friends. It's been overwhelming but so good.

Prayer Requests:
Pray that I would always rejoice in the Lord.
Pray that God would continue to make me more Christ-like
Pray that I would get a job
Pray that I would follow God whereever he may lead